Thursday, December 22, 2011

Blog About That!

I'm not convinced that blogging was such a great idea.. I stress about what I'll post and if you guys will like it.  I write and rewrite each post atleast 3 times.  It's a lot of pressure to make sure you people are happy!  Not mention I live for comments now (i love comments, they make me feel awesome (yeah, I'm reiterating that) ).  And probably the biggest reason is because now Adam finds it necessary to be a pain in my butt and then say " about that".  Just the other night we were getting into the car and he had me locked out, and would unlock it, but as soon as I went to pull the handle, he'd lock it.. playing that game for a minute he finally let me in..he thought he was so funny...I told him, "you're bugging me" and he said "oh yeah..well maybe you should blog about that".  So here I am..blogging about that.  Everytime he drives me crazy and I tell him, his response is the same, " about it."  **sigh** A couple of days ago I had Adam read my blog and after he was all done he said, " I bet if you got the stories right, your blog would be a lot better."  "What?" "You've got it all wrong.. these stories aren't accurate." "Whatever, they are too." "Nope, I don't think so." "Whatever, you don't know." and his infamous reply (for everything) (and also stolen from Couples Retreat) "I know my truth."  And then he says "Maybe you should let me proof read them, I bet I could help you get them right."  At this point, I just wanted to punch him in the face.  I'm convinced he is trying to do ridiculous things just to get me to blog about him.  - and it's working -


  1. lol. Don't please us! Please you! We just like you, period. And unfortunately, I think Adam is hilarious. :)

  2. Haha this is funny!! I hate the, locking you out of the car game!

  3. Just wait until you have kids and they plead with not to blog about about whatever it is.

  4. in Adam's defense he is a darn good editor ;)
